The journey so far

In November 2014, Elliot woke with a racing pulse (220bpm or higher). Thinking nothing of it, he headed into the office for a regular day. After contacting his GP (Primary Care Provider), he was sent to A&E (the ER). Hooked up to a 10 lead ECG, a delta wave was discovered, diagnosing him with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. Elliot was then referred (by his GP) initially to a “cardiologist”, to be told he needed a “electrician, not a plumber”. As there was nothing more to talk about, this became Elliot’s first lesson in Electrophysiology! This cardiologist subsequently referred Elliot to an EP Martin Lowe for an EP study (Jan 2015), where he was also diagnosed with paroxysmal AF and cardioverted back into sinus rhythm. A PVI was subsequently booked. In between catheter lab visits, Elliot again had to be electro cardioverted back into sinus rhythm, (March 2015)

Whilst playing rugby in October 2016 Elliot went into SVT. After sitting with a heart rate over 200 for more than 5 hours, after many attempts to cardiovert using Valsalva maneuver and adenosine, beta blockers we prescribed slowing his rate, but resulted in AF – Elliot was cardioverted an referred to a new EP through A+E; Nandkumar Gandhi. Another ablation was booked for AF and potentially the accessory pathway.

Ablation carried out by Dr Gandhi and his colleague James (Jack) McCready. Post ablation ECG showed no delta wave, but Elliot was in Third Degree Heart Block – ablation of accessory pathway had ablated AV node.

Elliot was then scheduled to have a pacemaker fitted the following week, but admission ECG showed the return of the delta wave, and no heart block. No pacemaker was fitted.

As Elliot was unsure as to prognosis, he requested an exercise stress test under controlled conditions to gain confidence that a return to physical activity was possible. With the all clear Elliot returned to training.

In November 2019, under spinal block and sedation Elliot had a meniscectomy on his left knee. During the operation Elliot, chatting away to the anesthetist and orthopedic surgeon informed them he was feeling lightheaded. After a few swift injections to speed his heart rate, the surgery was finished Elliot was informed in recovery that his heart had dropped to 6 BPM.

Referred to his third EP Dr Manav Sohal of the same hospital, and after wearing a 3 lead ECG for 7 days, Elliot was fitted with a Medtronic Percepta Quad CRT-P MRI SureScan.

This experience of fully “living” the frustrations that go hand in hand with an irregular heartbeat, including multiple cardioversions has led Elliot to found Wave Wrangler; a platform for anyone living with an arrhythmia to share stories and experiences, as well as raise and carefully distribute funds to assist charities, companies and individuals who are also in a position to support.