Partnership Opportunities
Whilst Olly and George may be the one in the boat, the final 3000 miles is akin to jogging down the Mall during the London Marathon; getting to that point requires considerable endeavour, and we would love you to be a part of that. The opportunity to increase brand exposure, build awareness, and utilise the experience in company communications is significant.
The partnership packages that follow are all indicative and ideas we envisage may be useful; they are by no means exhaustive or prescriptive. We would love to chat about ideas you may have such that they meet your requirements, and in turn help build a platform fund raising for the British Heart Foundation. Much of the expense of the campaign is derived from equipment, sustenance, and transportation, if you would like to discuss offering goods or services to form a partnership, please do get in touch.

title partner
one available
Benefits to include, but not limited to:
Company name included in all mention of the campaign
Input to other partnership involvement
VIP invitation to the boat’s launch
Primary Branding on the Wave Wranglers Boat
Primary Branding on all Wave Wranglers Clothing
Primary Branding on Wave Wranglers Website
Primary positioning on any printed materials
Branded headline positioning on all social media
Constant Social Media coverage
Unlimited use of The ‘Wave Wranglers’ branding and imagery
Access to Olly & George for use in company material
3 pre/post-row executive engagements days (staff workshops/annual conference etc)
2 half days training with Olly & George on the company named boat.
10 sets of Wave Wranglers Team Kit
Post-race interviews with Olly & George with unlimited permissions to use
Post-race lunch with Olly & George in Antigua (excludes Flights/Accommodation)
One of the oars from the crossing - adorned with company and The Wave Wranglers Logos and information about the crossing.

Key Campaign Partner
Benefits to include, but not limited to:
Prominent branding on The Wave Wranglers Boat
Prominent branding on all The Wave Wranglers Clothing
Prominent branding on Wave Wranglers Website
Prominent positioning on any printed materials
Branded positioning on all social media
Social Media coverage
Unlimited use of ‘ The Wave Wranglers’ branding and imagery
Access to Olly & George for use in company material
2 pre/post-row executive engagements days (staff workshops/annual conference etc)
1 half day training with Olly & George on the boat.
5 sets of The Wave Wrangler Team Kit
Post-race interviews with Olly & George with unlimited permissions to use

Significant Campaign Involvement
ONE available
Benefits to include, but not limited to:
Prominent branding on the Wave Wranglers Boat
Prominent branding on all Wave Wranglers Clothing
Prominent branding on The Wave Wranglers Website
Prominent positioning on any printed materials
Branded positioning on all social media
Social Media coverage
Unlimited use of ‘Wave Wranglers’ branding and imagery
Access to Olly & George for use in company material
Pre/post-row executive engagement day (staff workshops/annual conference etc)
5 sets of Wave Wranglers Team Kit
Post-race interviews with Olly & George with unlimited permissions to use

Significant Campaign Involvement
Three of Five available
Benefits to include, but not limited to:
Branding on the Wave Wranglers Boat
Branding on Wave Wranglers Website
Branded positioning on all social media
Social Media coverage
Unlimited use of ‘Wave Wranglers’ branding and imagery
Access to Olly & George for use in company material
2 sets of Wave Wranglers Team Kit
Post-race interviews with Olly & George with unlimited permissions to use

Oar Inspiring
Own a piece of the Crossing
To make sure Olly & George are not stuck miles from anywhere without a method of propulsion, the boat will be equipped with 4 oars.
On returning, these would make an incredible statement piece in a boardroom, lobby or gym.
Post-row, own a co-branded oar that has crossed the Atlantic as one person’s means of motion. Olly & George will present this on its return to the UK at a venue of your choice.

Wave Wranglers Clubhouse Member
Become a named Clubhouse for the Campaign
Limited to 20
Benefits to include, but not limited to:
Use the Wave Wranglers Campaign to promote your business, demonstrate a company ethos that supports adventure through community activities.
Clubhouse companies will feature on the Wave Wranglers Website as a charity partner until July 2023. Receive team kit and the opportunity to co-brand marketing collateral.

become a member of the crew
Limited to 250 Individuals
Benefits to include, but not limited to:
As part of the Wave Wranglers Crew, you will receive the full team kit and discount to further purchases.
Have your name on the boat’s cabin and recognition on the WW website.
Unlimited access to all exclusive content
Pick some top tunes for Olly & George to listen to on the crossing and leave him voice notes; it’ll be like you’re with him all the way!
Boat Branding
An Ocean Rowing boat is quite a sight! Not only will the Wave Wranglers boat be crossing an ocean, as part of race with the best media coverage of any ocean rowing event, but for over two years prior, will be wheeled out to charity fundraisers regularly.
Partnering with the Wave Wranglers WTR 2025 2023 will cement your logo on one of the world’s more unique billboards; with access via all media platforms to over 3 billion people across the globe!